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A few of my before and after photos.  

Using mini micro rings and a regular maintenance programme has proved to enhance the appearance and condition of my clients natural hair.

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Just 100 Strands

100 strands to create these beautiful golden locks. My job is so rewarding. I love that I can make someone feel so incredible with the work I do.

210 Strands 

One of my trickiest transformations to date! This lady has been blessed with such thick hair, beautiful condition and cut very bluntly.  So after four and a half hours and 210 stands of hair a Kardashian was born!  

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115 Strands

115 strands of vanilla blonde used to create this blonde bombshell.  We used 16 inch strands and razor cut to create a sharp fabulous look.


This clients hair was in terrible condition until we used my microrings and after a number of visits her natural hair was in better contiton than ever. 

200 Strands

And just like that a new Beyoncé is born!

I am actually in love with this Barnet, it may have taken longer than average and 200 strands to create, but boy this head of hair is what dreams are made of!

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Check out my Instagram and Facebook Pages by clicking the icons below to see all of my transformations.

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